Mental Shifts to Transform Your Health

Using your mind to achieve vitality for life.

Wednesday, August 14th at 8:00 pm ET


Have you ever felt frustrated by your inability to achieve your wellness goals despite your best efforts?

Do you find yourself stuck in a cycle of starting new health routines only to abandon them a few weeks later?

The problem might not be your body,
but your mind.

achieve your wellness goals

Many of us overlook how our internal mindset significantly influences our external success,
including our fitness and overall well-being.
Without a healthy mind, it can be nearly impossible
to sustain the motivation and dedication needed
for lasting physical health.

But what if you could reprogram your thinking to overcome these barriers and finally achieve the results you crave?

internal mindset significantly influences our external success

Join our upcoming wellness webcast where author and entrepreneur Tdachi-Deni Whiting will share insights she used to write her book, Mindset for Health: Using Your Mind to Achieve Your Fitness Goals and Beyond, and reveal how to harness the power of your mind to create vitality for life.

Join our upcoming wellness webcast

Presented by Tdachi-Deni Whiting

Tdachi-Deni Whiting is a Mexican entrepreneur who discovered and unleashed her life's purpose while studying abroad and traveling to the United States in 2010.

Tdachi-Deni has a degree in Industrial Engineering, but later in life discovered her passion for helping others in the health and wellness industry.

She is now a successful certified Personal Trainer, Thought Leader, and Life Coach who is on a mission to improve her clients' minds and bodies internationally!

Tdachi-Deni Whiting

What you'll learn:

  • Reprogram Your Mindset:
    Understand the critical role of paradigms and how shifting your thinking can attract and achieve the health outcomes you desire.
  • Identify and Overcome Obstacles:
    Recognize hidden mental blocks and discover effective strategies to overcome challenges that have been holding you back.
  • Discover Your Why and Find Happiness:
    Identify your core motivations for pursuing health and fitness, and explore how to align your actions with what truly makes you happy.
  • Master Mindfulness and the Body:
    Learn how mindfulness impacts your performance, reactions, and overall life, and utilize proven techniques to set your mind to the healthiest dial possible.
  • Plus, much more!